--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the Future Interactive 3D Screensaver v1.0 for Windows by ROBERT BENNETT EMAIL: Rob@UselessCreations.com ICQ# 14073622 RELEASED: 13th January, 2003 http://www.UselessCreations.com/bttf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INSTALLATION The install program installs the screensaver into your Windows system directory and puts all other files into the directory you choose. To uninstall, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove programs and select "Back to the Future Interactive 3D Screensaver". But why you'd want to do so is beyond my comprehension. * DIRECTX NOTES If you get error messages saying Music or Game Mode has failed to initialize it is usually caused by not having a recent version of DirectX installed. You need DirectX8 or higher. To get DirectX go to: http://www.microsoft.com/directx * I UPGRADED TO XP AND IT RUNS SLOW! WHY?: You're asking me?? Shouldn't you be asking Microsoft?? Well ok I have an idea. Turns out XP doesn't come with proper video drivers for most (all?) video cards. This is easily fixed tho. If you go to the website of whoever made your video card (mine was www.nvidia.com cos I've got a TNT2, yours could be different), and they'll have real XP drivers for your video card. Install them and watch the speed increase! If its still slow then I can't help you. * SETTINGS: To get to the settings screen go to Display options in Control Panel and in the Screen Saver section click on Settings. Here you can select if you want the background music to play or not. * GAME MODE INSTRUCTIONS That's right, this ultra-nifty Useless Creation lets you take control of the time traveling DeLorean yourself! When its driving around press Space and the Game Mode will be started. The keys are: Up Arrow: Accelerate. Down Arrow: Brake. Left/Right Arrows: Turn. Space Bar: Switch between normal and hover modes. C: Switch camera modes. * RELEASE NOTES: Back in August 2002 the Back to the Future trilogy was released here in Australia on DVD, and since these movies are old faves of mine I grabbed a copy. One of the extras on the DVD was all concept art etc of the DeLorean, and there were some basic blueprints included. That was enough to give the basic shape of the car, so I started making a 3D model of it. But for whatever reason I stopped. I don't remember why, maybe I was abducted by ferrets and had my memory erased, or maybe I just thought of something I'd rather do. Anyway for some reason the BTTF DVDs weren't released in the US til November or something. And once they were released I started getting requests for a screensaver. So after all the Christmas stuff was over with I blew the dust off the half finished model and decided to finish it off. And here it is! It's basically just got the time traveling DeLorean driving around an endless car park (it was meant to be the Twin/Lone Pines Mall car park but I haven't had time to make it any more detailed). Randomly the car will speed up to 88mph and go thru time. I've sat and watched this thing for hours, and I think it's pretty nifty. Dr.Emmet Brown and Marty McFly would be proud! If you're sick of watching you can activate the Game Mode and take control of the car yourself. There's not much to it, you just drive around, and if you drive fast enough you'll go thru time. This thing isn't perfect, but I've never seen anything like it before. (All I've been able to find BTTF-wise is slideshow yawnfests) So if you find anything better, use it. Complaining about free software leads to unfortunate voodoo curses being put on you. If you spot any bugs please let me know. Enjoy! * VERSION HISTORY 1.0 13/01/2003 Original Release - The DeLorean Time Machine drives around. - Normal and hover modes. - Interactivity lets you drive the car. - Background music. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the Future and everything related is Copyright © Universal Studios The screen saver itself is Copyright © Robert Bennett 2003. This screen saver is meant as a tribute to Back to the Future, no copyright infringement is intended. This software is FREE and may not be used for profit. If you like and use it, send me an email! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This screen saver is provided as is. The author takes no responsibility for any damage that is done to your system thru it's use. It works fine for me! If it doesn't for you, it aint my fault! This product is not guaranteed to save your screen from burn in or any other form of damage. (eg. Letting it get struck my lightning) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you lose your job because all you do is sit and watch this screensaver I will not be held responsible. At least make it look like you're busy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------